Chairman Irene ZHU Attended the UN Europe and Central Asia Regional Seminar in Geneva

From 01-02 September 2022, Ms.Irene ZHU, Chairman of EurAsia Forum,at the invitation of the UN Human Rights Council(EMRTD) attended the UN Europe and Central Asia Regional Seminar in Geneva,Switzerland. She expressed her views on such hot topics as Europe and Central Asia Human Rights issues, Reflections on the contribution of development to the enjoyment of human rights, which received wide attention and positive comments both inside and outside the Meeting.


The Europe and Central Asia Regional Seminar on the Contribution of Development to the Enjoyment of all Human Rights took place from 1 to 2 September 2022 in Room XXV at the Palais des Nations. In accordance with resolution 47/11 of the Human Rights Council, the seminar brought together Member States, relevant United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, international and regional organizations, national human rights institutions, civil society organizations and other stakeholders to identify challenges and gaps and share good practices and experiences regarding the contribution of development to the enjoyment of human rights. A report of the five regional seminars will be presented to the fifty-fourth session of the Human Rights Council.

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